Evidence suggests ARBs should be first line for CV indications over ACE inhibitors (Chen et al. Hypertension 2021). Which ARBs should you choose when prescribing?

When? Which one to give? Which one to avoid?
Clinical condition of concern First ARBs of choice ARBs with potentially beneficial effects ARBs with potentially negative effect
Cardiovascular prevention Telmisartan [] Losartan []  
Heart failure Valsartan []
Candesartan [, ]
Losartan []
Myocardial infarction Valsartan [, ] Telmisartan [, ]  
Stroke Losartan [] Telmisartan [, ]
Candesartan []
Eprosartan []
Atrial fibrillation Telmisartan [] Losartan [, ]
Candesartan []
Valsartan [, ]
Diabetes mellitus Telmisartan [, , , ]
Valsartan [, , ]
Losartan [, ]
Irbesartan []
Candesartan [, ]
Olmesartan []
Diabetic nephropathy Losartan []
Irbesartan [, ]
Telmisartan []
Valsartan []
Candesartan []
Olmesartan []
Metabolic syndrome Telmisartan [, , ] Valsartan [, ]  
Hyperuricemia Losartan [] Irbesartan [] Candesartan []
Erectile dysfunction Valsartan []
Losartan [, ]
Irbesartan [, ]
Cognitive decline   Candesartan []
Irbesartan []
Losartan []
Valsartan []
Eprosartan []
Telmisartan []


ARBs Half-life (h) Tmax (h) Bioavailability Route of elimination: renal (R)
biliary/fecal (B)
Food Interaction Drug Interactionsϕ CYP metabolism
Losartan* 2 1–1.5 33% 35% R; 60% B Yes Rifampin, fluconazole 2C9, 3A4
Candesartan cilexetil 9 2–5ε 42% 33% R; 67% B No None 2C9 (negligible)
Eprosartan 5–9 1–3 63% 7% R; 90% B Yes None No
Irbesartan 11–15 1.3–3 60–80% 20% R; 80% B No   2C9, 3A4 (negligible)
Telmisartan 24 0.5–1 43% <1% R; >97% B No Digoxin No
Valsartan 6 2–4 23% (capsule)
50% (solution)
13% R; 83% B Yes§ None 2C9 (weak)
Olmesartan medoxomil 12–14 1.7–2.5 26% 35–50%R; 50–65% B No None No
Azilsartan medoxomil 12 1.5–3 60% 42% urine; 55% B No None 2C9, CYP2B6 (negligible), CYP2C8 (negligible)


  1. https://medsask.usask.ca/documents/drug-shortages-pdfs/arb-comparison-.v22.pdf
  2. Dézsi CA. The Different Therapeutic Choices with ARBs. Which One to Give? When? Why? Am J Cardiovasc Drugs. 2016;16:255-266. doi:10.1007/s40256-016-0165-4
  3. Abraham HMA, White CM, White WB. The Comparative Efficacy and Safety of the Angiotensin Receptor Blockers in the Management of [[Hypertension]] and Other Cardiovascular Diseases. Drug Saf. 2015;38(1):33-54. doi:10.1007/s40264-014-0239-7