Definition and Background

DCM is characterized by an enlarged LV (+/- RV) with systolic dysfunction, not caused by ischemic, valvular, hypertensive, congenital heart disease. One of the leading causes of heart failure (HF), DCM predominantly affects younger adults and is the most frequent indication for cardiac transplantation.

DCM can be classified as: 1) Genetic / familial 2) Nongenetic / mixed or acquired / nonfamilial


Diverse set of etiologies (and therefore, pathogenesis) of DCM. Idiopathic and familial diseases are the most common. Advances in genetic diagnostics are unveiling etiologies that would previously be classified as idiopathic. - Genetic mutations (most common) - Infection (most common -- 30%). Typically associated with myocarditis. - Viruses, particularly the enteroviruses. Adenovirus, coronavirus, coxsackievirus, CMV, dengue, echovirus, EBV, HBV, HCV, HSV, HHV-6, HIV, Influenza, Mumps, Parvovirus B19, poliovirus, raviesvirus, RSV, rubella, measles, VZV - Bacteria: β-haemolytic streptococci, Borrelia burgdorferi, Brucella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Chlamydia spp., Clostridium spp., Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Neisseria spp., Haemophilus influenza, Legionella pneumophila, Listeria monocytogenes, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Neisseria meningitidis, Salmonella (Berta and Typhi), Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus spp. and Treponema pallidum - Protozoa: Entamoeba histolytica, Leishmania spp., Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum, Toxoplasma gondii and Trypanosoma cruzi - Helminths: Taenia spp., Echinococcus spp., Schistosoma spp., Toxocara spp. and Trichinella spp. - Fungi: Actinomyces spp., Aspergillus spp., Candida spp., Coccidioides immitis and Cryptococcus neoformans - Autoimmunity (most common): systemic sclerosis, RA, SLE, dermatomyositis, sarcoidosis, Dressler syndrome, post-cardiotomy syndrome, post-infectious autoimmune disease, post-radiation - Toxins: EtOH, amphetamines, anthracyclines, cannabis, catecholamines, cocaine, 5-FU, lithium, heavy metals, carbon monoxide. - Chronic alcohol abuse is an important cause of DCM, occurring most often in men of 30–55 years of age who have been heavy consumers of alcohol for at least 10 years. - Depressed LV function has been reported in 4–9% of individuals who used cocaine and had cardiac symptoms - Anthracyclines that frequently cause DCM include doxorubicin, epirubicin and idarubicin. Doxorubicin: cumulative, dose-related, progressive myocardial damage. Doxorubicin binds both DNA and type II topoisomerase, leading to DNA double-stranded breaks and transcriptome changes resulting in mitochondrial dysfunction, reactive oxygen species generation and cardiac cell death. - Metabolic and endocrine dysfunction: Cushing, thyroid, pheochromocytoma, hypocalcemia, hypophosphatemia, inborn errors of metabolism, thiamine and selenium deficiency, carnitine deficiency - Neuromuscular disease: muscular and myotonic dystrophies, Friedreich ataxia - Pregnancy and peripartum cardiomyopathy

DCM Genetics

Gene Protein Dilated cardiomyopathy cases (%)
TTN Titin 0.15–0.20
LMNA Prelamin A/C 0.06
MYH7 Myosin 7 0.04
BAG3 BAG family molecular chaperone regulator 3 0.03
TNNT2 Troponin T, cardiac muscle 0.03
FLNC Filamin C 0.02–0.04
RBM20 RNA-binding protein 20 0.02
SCN5A Sodium channel protein type 5 subunit α 0.02
PLN Cardiac phospholamban <0.01
TNNC1 Troponin C, slow skeletal and cardiac muscles <0.01
TNNI3 Troponin I, cardiac muscle <0.01
TPM1 Tropomyosin-α1 chain <0.01

TTN truncating mutations are a common cause of DCM, occurring in ~25% of familial cases of DCM and in 18% of sporadic cases.


In a 2013 review, the prevalence of DCM was estimated to be >1 per 250 individuals on the basis of recent clinical trial and related data; this result is particularly relevant as reliable population-based studies of the prevalence of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy have estimated it to be at least 1 per 500 individuals, and the review article estimates that DCM is at least as common in the population as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

Risk Factors

Mechanisms and Pathophysiology

Animal models have demonstrated that LV dilatation results from remodelling and fibrosis. Similarly, in patients with DCM, there is evidence of scar tissue, with the left ventricle assuming a spherical shape. Pathophysiological changes include a decrease in stroke volume (blood volume pumped by the left ventricle at each contraction) and cardiac output (the amount of blood pumped by the heart per minute), impaired ventricular filling and an increase in end-diastolic pressure (the amount of blood in the ventricle when relaxed, which is a measure of dilation). Compensatory changes in the vascular system include an increase in systemic vascular resistance, a decrease in arterial compliance and an increase in venous pressure and circulating blood volume. Both cardiac preload (stretching of the heart wall before contraction) and afterload (the force needed for contraction to eject blood from the heart) are increased, with increased afterload resulting in elevated wall stress. Diastole involves both active relaxation (early diastole) and passive compliance (mid-to-late diastole). In DCM, diastolic dysfunction that affects both components can accompany a reduction in systolic function. Impaired ventricular relaxation results in reduced rapid ventricular filling.

Clinical Diagnosis of DCM

Clinical Heart Failure

The clinical presentation of DCM is generally unrelated to the underlying aetiology and ranges from dyspnoea, swollen legs, ankles and stomach, fatigue and chest pain caused by reduced oxygen levels reaching the heart to arrhythmia, acute decompensation or cardiogenic shock. The signs and symptoms of DCM mainly relate to the degree of LV or biventricular systolic dysfunction leading to pump failure; heart failure signs and symptoms may be fulminant, acute, subacute or chronic. In addition, atypical chest pain and palpitation may be present.

Evaluation of DCM


Echocardiographic definition of DCM: 1) LV EDV/EDD > 2 SD from normal 2) LVEF < 45-50%

Rule out: - coronary artery disease (?cardiac cath, CCTA)

Electrocardiography and Holter

ECG can be normal, but patients can have isolated T wave changes, LBBB, IVCD. ST and SVT are common; 20-30% of patients have NSVT.

Genetic and Family Screening

Idiopathic DCM --> consider a genetic etiology. The basic evaluation of these patients should include a detailed family history as well as clinical screening of first-degree relatives. Next-generation sequencing methods, such as whole-exome or whole-genome sequencing, are emerging as moderately inexpensive approaches for diagnosis that have both clinical and research implications. Even in the absence of an identified pathogenetic mutation, first-degree relatives should have periodic ECG and echocardiography to detect early signs of DCM.

Cardiac MRI

Cardiac MRI is the the best method for morphological and functional evaluation and characterization of myocardial tissue in patients with DCM. Consider for patients with ?inflammation or fibrotic etiology. - The presence of myocardial fibrosis can be detected with late gadolinium enhancement (LGE). - MRI detects myocardial oedema suggestive of acute myocarditis or sarcoidosis - low sensitivity tool

In DCM, the degree of fibrosis, marked by delayed gadolinium enhancement, is a predictor of all-cause mortality and need for future hospitalization.33 Specifically, delayed enhancement is associated with increased risk for ventricular arrhythmias.3436 Delayed enhancement may also reflect features beyond fibrosis, including edema and inflammatory infiltrate.37


FDG-PET is emergic as a valuable tool for the diagnosis of cardiac sarcoidosis.


The current expert consensus statement of the ESC recommends that all patients with suspected inflammatory cardiomyopathy should undergo an EMB to identify the type of inflammatory infiltrate, to determine the underlying aetiology and form an aetiology-based treatment strategy. Several studies report that EMB can be performed with a very low rate of major complications and that LV biopsy is as safe as right ventricular biopsy. Tissue obtained from EMB should be analysed using histology, immunohistochemistry and molecular biology techniques.

Management of DCM

General Management of HF +/- rEF

Etiology-Based Therapies

For patients with EMB-confirmed myocarditis or infection-associated DCM. - consider immunosuppression in virus-negative EMB proven myocarditis - consider antiviral therapies (IFN etc) with virus-positive EMB myocarditis. Enterovirus and adenovirus associated CM were shown to have benefit with IFN beta than placebo. - small studies have shown that immunoadsorption (removal of circulating autoAbs) improves cardiac function in these patients. Experimental therapy.

Device Therapy

Surgical Therapy


Most causes of heart failure from DCM result from pump failure (70%), and SCD accounts for 30% of outcomes. The effect of medications, ventricular devices and heart transplantation on the natural history of DCM is not well characterized, and despite advances in the management of heart failure in patients with DCM, there is still substantial mortality.

Sudden cardiac death in DCM can be caused by electromechanical dissociation (pulseless electrical activity) or ventricular arrhythmias. The development of new LV branch block during follow-up is a strong independent prognostic predictor of all-cause mortality, and atrial fibrillation is a sign of structural disease progression and negatively affects the prognosis. Patients with DCM and haemodynamically relevant mitral regurgitation may need invasive therapies, such as percutaneous or open repair of the mitral valve, mechanical circulatory support or even heart transplantation. Whereas right ventricular function frequently recovers under therapy (typically within 6 months), the development of right ventricular dysfunction during long-term follow-up indicates structural disease progression and portends a negative outcome. Strategies to detect pre-symptomatic DCM have a clear rationale because early treatment can retard adverse remodelling, prevent heart failure symptoms and increase life expectancy. In addition, patients with DCM should be regularly re-assessed, particularly in the presence of cardiovascular risk factors. Worsening of LV function or an increased ventricular arrhythmic burden can be caused not only by DCM progression but also by the development of new co-pathologies. Thus, the possible presence of coronary artery disease, hypertensive heart disease, structural valve disease or acute myocarditis should be systematically ruled out during follow-up. However, clinical and echocardiographical parameters have limited ability to predict long-term prognosis, suggesting that other host–environmental factors are important in determining the outcome of DCM.


  1. Braunwald’s Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 52, 1031-1051
  2. Dilated cardiomyopathy | Nature Reviews Disease Primers
  3. Dilated Cardiomyopathy | Circulation Research
  4. The Diagnosis and Evaluation of Dilated Cardiomyopathy | Journal of the American College of Cardiology
  5. Current Diagnostic and Treatment Strategies for Specific Dilated Cardiomyopathies: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association | Circulation