GDMT refers to the set of medical and device interventions that have been shown to decrease important MACE +/- improve mortality in heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (of mostly all types). These are informed by guidelines from the CCS, AHA, and the ESC.

The goal of GDMT and HFrEF treatment is optimisation of LVEF, reduction of symptoms (NYHA I goal), and to decrease the risk of sudden cardiac death.

First-Line GDMT

RAAS Inhibition

Prior evidence and guidelines recommended initiation of ACEi or ARB. New evidence suggests strongly that all patients should be on ARNI therapy preferentially, and this is reflected in most recent guidance from the CCS (2021 Focused Update).

Guideline (CCS) Recommendations: 1. We recommend an ACE inhibitor, or ARB in those with ACEi intolerance, in patients with acute MI with HF or an EF < 40% post-MI to be used as soon as safely possible post- MI and be continued indefinitely. 2. We recommend that an ARNI be used in place of an ACEi or ARB, in patients with HFrEF, that remain symptomatic despite treatment with appropriate doses of GDMT in order to decrease cardiovascular death, HF hospitalizations, and symptoms. 3. We recommend that patients admitted to hospital for acute decompensated HF with HFrEF should be switched to an ARNI, from an ACEI or ARB, when stabilized and before hospital discharge (Strong Recommendation; Moderate-Quality Evidence). 4. We suggest that patients admitted to hospital with a new diagnosis of HFrEF should be treated with ARNI as first-line therapy, as an alternative to either an ACEI or ARB (Weak Recommendation; Moderate-Quality Evidence).

Evidence Base in rEF and pEF:

Trial Drug Findings
TRANSITION Sacubitril-valsartan Initiation of sac-val in-hospital for decomp HF is as safe as starting it as an outpatient after discharge.
PARADIGM-HF (rEF) Sacubitril-valsartan Sac-val compared with enalapril, led to a 20% RRR in HF hospitalization or CV death
Val-HeFT (2001) Valsartan
SOLVD (1991) Enalapril
PARAGON-HF (pEF) Sacubitril-valsartan PARAGON-HF showed a modest but nonsignificant 13% reduction in the primary outcome, which was driven by a reduction in first and recurrent HF hospitalizations.
CHARM-Preserved Candesartan ARB (candesartan) reduces hospitalizations in HFpEF.


Beta-blockers have a strong evidence base in HFrEF. In particular, there are three that are most evidenced in heart failure with reduced EF.

Trial Drug Outcome
CIBIS-II Bisoprolol
Carvedilol HF Study Carvedilol
MERIT-HF Metoprolol succinate (long-acting)
COMET Carvedilol vs metoprolol tartrate Lower mortality with carvedilol (NNT=17) over 5 years as compared to short-acting metoprolol tartrate.

Beta-Blockers in Hospitalized Patients

  1. START beta-blockers before discharge, in stabilized patients, because it improves short and intermediate-term outcomes without intolerance or extended LOS
    1. IMPACT-HF: predischarge initiation of carvedilol in stabilized patients improved the uptake of beta-blockers at 60 days, without increasing side effects of LOS
  2. CONTINUE/RESTART beta-blockers before discharge, as doing so reduces in-hospital and 60-180 day mortality
    1. B-CONVINCED: in ADHF, continuation of beta-blockers is noninferior with regards to clinical improvement, 3-month mortality, BNP, LOS, but increases beta-blocker therapy at 3 months.
    2. OPTIMIZE-HF: continuation of beta-blockers in patients with ADHF but without cardiogenic shock reduces risk of adverse postdischarge clinical outcomes

Nuances of Beta-Blockade

Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonism

Trial Drug Outcome
RALES Spironolactone Spironolactone reduces all-cause mortality  by 30% in NYHA class III-IV and EF <35%.
TOPCAT (pEF) Spironolactone Spironolactone reduces hospitalization in HFpEF. Post-hoc analyses (not powered) suggest mortality benefit in North America.

SGLT2 Inhibition

Trial Drug Outcome
DAPA-HF Dapagliflozin Among individuals with HFrEF (NYHA II-IV, LVEF ≤40%) with or without T2DM, the addition of the SGLT-2 inhibitor dapagliflozin decreased rates of CV death or worsening HF, as well as all-cause mortality.
SOLOIST-WHF Sotagliflozin In patients with diabetes and recent worsening heart failure, sotagliflozin therapy, initiated before or shortly after discharge, resulted in a significantly lower total number of deaths from cardiovascular causes and hospitalizations and urgent visits for heart failure than placebo.
EMPEROR-Reduced Empagliflozin Among patients with symptomatic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF) (with or without type 2 diabetes), empagliflozin reduced the risk of a composite of CV death or HF hospitalization vs placebo (NNT 19) at 1.3 years.
EMPULSE Empagliflozin New-start empagliflozin in patients hospitalized with decomp HFrEF is well tolerated.

Second-Line GDMT


Trial Drug Outcome
DIG Digoxin Digoxin reduces hospitalizations in patients with HFrEF


Hydralazine-isosorbide dinitrate.


This is a "funny"-sodium influx channel blocker. It serves to slow down the autodepolarization of cardiac pacemaker cells, which slows down the heart rate (only if in sinus rhythm).


Trial Drug Outcome
VICTORIA Vericiguat Among patients with high-risk heart failure, the incidence of death from cardiovascular causes or hospitalization for heart failure was lower among those who received vericiguat than among those who received placebo.

Omecamtiv mecarbil

Trial Drug Outcome

Device Therapy