See also Coronary Stent Thrombosis.


We know that: 1. These patients need some sort of protection for stroke risk (from AF), and from in-stent thrombosis (from PCI). 2. Triple therapy (ASA + P2Y12 + OAC) is effective, but increases bleeding risk.

Therefore, what is the optimal strategy after PCI (elective or for ACS) in patients with AF requiring anticoagulation for their AF (high stroke risk, CHADS2 > 0)?

Historical Trials

2013 - WOEST trial as above. VKA + clopidogrel vs triple therapy. Reduced bleeding but underpowered for thrombosis differences. 2015 - ISAR-TRIPLE trial showing triple therapy with 6 weeks of clopidogrel was noninferior to 6 months of clopidogrel (+ASA/VKA)

New Trials Examining Dual-Pathway Antithrombotics for PCI + AF

Trial Drug / Intervention Notes
PIONEER-AF (2016) Rivaroxaban
RE-DUAL (2017) Dabigatran
AUGUSTUS (2019) Apixaban
ENTRUST-AF PCI (2019) Edoxaban


2018 CCS Guidelines: