




Standard TTE is typically the screening modality of choice and should be performed within 24 hours of admission in those at high risk for apical LV thrombus (eg, those with large or anterior MI or those receiving delayed reperfusion). If (1) the LV apex is poorly visualized, (2) anterior or apical wall motion abnormalities are present, or (3) high apical wall motion scores are calculated (≥5 on noncontrast TTE), contrast TTE or CMR should be considered based on local availability and resources





In patients with a diagnosed LV thrombus, OAC should be started immediately. * No specific RCTs to address this. However, given similar pathophysiology to LAA thrombus in atrial fibrillation, similar considerations re: post-PCI AF thromboembolic ppx (dual therapy > triple therapy) can be argued for. Guidelines recommend the following:
* 2013 ACCF/AHA STEMI guidelines advise that it is reasonable to add OAC to dual antiplatelet therapy among patients with STEMI and asymptomatic LV thrombus for 3 months, targeting a lower international normalized ratio (INR) goal of 2.0-2.5. * AHA/American Stroke Association 2014 stroke prevention guidelines recommend a similar duration, targeting a higher INR of 2.5. * European Society of Cardiology 2017 STEMI guidelines advised that once an LV thrombus is diagnosed, OAC should be considered for up to 6 months, guided by repeated echocardiography and with consideration of bleeding risk and need for concomitant antiplatelet therapy. * Diagnosis of LV thrombus made? * Warfarin-based approach
* bridge with parenteral anticoagualant until therapeutic INR (2-3) is achieved for 24 hours * DOAC-based approach * dabigatran/edoxaban - bridge with 5 days of parenteral anticoagulation * apixaban/rivaroxaban - loading doses and then step down, similar to VTE Rx * Hepatin-based approach * used for large or highly mobile LV thrombi * consider dual therapy (OAC + P2Y12 inhibitor) over triple therapy (OAC + DAPT) based on studies in post-PCI + AF patients such as RE-DUAL PCI, AUGUSTUS, etc. * Duration of Antithrombotic Therapy * minimum of 3 months of double therapy * repeat imaging at 3 months * if LV thrombus resolved, then transition to DAPT for post-MI treatment * if lV thrombus not resolved, then the optimal duration is NOT known and should be individualized * Gastric Protection and Bleeding Reduction * unknown, pending COMPASS study results * reasonable to treat all patients with PPI therapy while on combination antithrombotic regimens


  1. McCarthy CP, Vaduganathan M, McCarthy KJ, Januzzi JL Jr, Bhatt DL, McEvoy JW. Left Ventricular Thrombus After Acute Myocardial Infarction: Screening, Prevention, and Treatment. JAMA Cardiology. 2018;3(7):642-649. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2018.1086