Active Mechanical Circulatory Systems

Surgically placed LVADs are used to bridge to recovery or cardiac transplantation, or as "destination therapy". These are generally continuous-flow (CF) and either work by axial-flow or centrifugal-flow pumps.

In addition to surgically placed LVADs, the percutaneously placed MCS also work via centrifugally-driven pumps or axial-flow pumps.

Three primary CF percutaneous MCS are currently used in clinical practice for LV support:

  1. TandemHeart (centrifugally driven left atrial to femoral artery bypass)
  2. VA-ECMO
  3. Microaxial flow catheters (Impella)

These differ from pulsatile support such as the IABP which is generally classified as "passive" circulatory support.

Physiology of MCS

Impella Devices

Indications for Impellas


The TandemHeart device (TandemLife, Pittsburgh, PA) is a left atrial to femoro-iliac bypass, powered by an external centrifugal pump that provides up to 5 L/min of forward flow.

Small randomized trials have been performed comparing the TandemHeart with IABP in patients with CGS, demonstrating superior hemodynamics but higher complication rates with the TandemHeart.