ACLS - Antiarrhythmics in VF-pVT Cardiac Arrest



The recommended dose of lidocaine is 1.0 to 1.5 mg/kg IV/IO for the first dose and 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg IV/IO for a second dose if required.

Lidocaine in OHCA

Lidocaine in IHCA

Lidocaine After ROSC

Summary and Recommendations 1. There is insufficient evidence to support or refute the routine use of lidocaine early (within the first hour) after ROSC. 2. In the absence of contraindications, the prophylactic use of lidocaine may be considered in specific circumstances (such as during emergency medical services transport) when treatment of recurrent VF/pVT might prove to be challenging (Class IIb; Level of Evidence C-LD).

Personal Takeaway

After ROSC, if the patient is having recurrent episodes of VT that are worrisome for decompensation and inability to transport the patient to the ICU, then consider lidocaine administration. Otherwise no evidence to support its use.

Amiodarone vs Lidocaine

Summary: Evidence is mixed; use the first drug you can get your hands on.


  1. Panchal AR, Berg KM, Kudenchuk PJ, Del Rios M, Hirsch KG, Link MS, et al. 2018 American Heart Association Focused Update on Advanced Cardiovascular Life Support Use of Antiarrhythmic Drugs During and Immediately After Cardiac Arrest: An Update to the American Heart Association Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and Emergency Cardiovascular Care. Circulation [Internet]. 2018 Dec 4 [cited 2022 Aug 21];138(23):e740–9. Available from: