ACLS - Post-Cardiac Arrest Care


  1. Oxygen Targets: 98-100% initially, and then PaO2 68-105 mmHg (broad range).
  2. Blood Pressure Targets: Normal targets (>63-65 mmHg).
  3. Temperature: Avoid hyperthermia/fever.

Post-Arrest Oxygen Targets

Several trials have been done in this space:

  1. BOX (2022): For survivors of OHCA admitted to the ICU, there were no differences between restrictive (PaO2 68 to 75 mmHg, initial FiO2 0.3) or liberal (98 to 105 mmHg, initial FiO2 0.6) oxygenation strategies. Minimum target SpO2 >= 93%.
    1. Neurologic outcomes
    2. 90-day mortality
  2. EXACT (2022): For survivors of OHCA who achieve ROSC in the field, restrictive (SpO2 90-94%) was not better than liberal (SpO2 98-100%) oxygen targets with regards to survival to hospital discharge. However, the restrictive arm had lower survival (38 vs 48%, p=0.05) and more hypoxic episores (31 vs 16%)

Conclusion: in OHCA, liberal post-ROSC resuscitation targets are reasonable. No evidence for IHCA. Consider SpO2 > 98% early on, or PaO2 68-105 mmHg once admitted to the ICU.

Post-Arrest Blood Pressure Targets

Post-Arrest Targeted Temperature Management


Risks of Shivering - lactic acidosis - elevated ICP - Rhabdomyolysis - discomfort

Risks of Hypothermic TTM - hemodynamic instability - TdP - Increased paralysis, prolonged ventilation - Delayed awakening

Hypothermic TTM

Indication Recommendations (as of 2020)
Cardiac arrest Consider active TTM, target 33-36 deg Celcius.
TBI Do not do TTM.

Normothermic TTM

The TTM2 Trial (2021) showed that in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest survivors who remain comatose, hypothermia is not better than normothermia (i.e. prevention of fever) with regards to long-term mortality or functional status. Therefore, do not routinely use this in the care of surviving OHCA patients. - maintain <= 37.5°C, treated only if temp >= 37.8°C - time period: up to 40-72 hours post-intervention

Indication Recommendations (as of 2022)
All Target avoidance of fever (<37.8)

Achieving Normothermic TTM