RBC Transfusion Thresholds


For most stable (i.e. not in hemorrhagic shock) patients, consider a hemoglobin transfusion threshold of 70-80.

Study Population Takeaway
REALITY (2021) Acute myocardial infarction restrictive transfusion threshold (hemoglobin ≤8) was non-inferior to a liberal threshold (hemoglobin ≤10) for 30 day MACE events
Transfusion Strategies for Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Bleeding (2013) Acute upper GIB, stable. restrictive transfusion threshold (Hgb ≥7) was associated with reduced mortality at 45 days compared to a liberal transfusion threshold (Hgb ≥10)
TRICS-III (2017) Cardiac surgery patients restrictive transfusion (Hb < 75) is noninferior for major clinical outcomes than Hb < 95 for patients undergoing on-pump cardiac surgery
TRICC (1999) Critically ill patients restrictive transfusion (Hgb >7 g/dL) is associated with better survival compared to liberal strategy (Hgb >10)
FOCUS (2011) High CV-risk patients post hip fracture surgery No significant MACE difference between restrictive (Hb < 80) and liberal (Hb < 100) transfusion strategies. However, reduction in units of blood (0 vs 2).
TITRe2 (2015) Non-emergency cardiac surgery restrictive transfusion threshold (Hb < 75) vs liberal (Hb < 90) did not lead to differences in ischemia/infection within 3 months. Restrictive threshold associated with reduced mortality at 90 days (1.9% vs 2.6%, p=0.045)
TRISS (2014) Septic shock restrictive transfusion threshold (Hb < 70) was associated with similar mortality but 50% reduction in blood transfusion units compared to Hb 90 threshold