Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

Spectrum/categories of HDP:

  1. pre-existing HTN (prior to 20 weeks GA)
  2. GHTN (after 20 weeks GA)
  3. Transient HTN (single measurement)
  4. de novo preeclampsia (new or worsening hypertension with adverse conditions, usually after 20 weeks)

HTN Definitions in Pregnancy

Classification Definition
Hypertension Office measurement ≥140/90, ambulatory measurement ≥135/85
Severe hypertension ≥160/110
Resistant hypertension ≥3 anti-hypertensives

BP Targets in Pregnancy

  1. Hypertension Canada: DBP < 85 mmHg
  2. CHIPS (NEJM 2015) trial: "less tight" (target DBP 100 mm Hg) vs "tight" (target DBP 85 mm Hg) BP control in women with nonproteinuric pre-existing or gestational HTN.
    1. No difference in maternal or fetal outcomes
    2. Higher severe hypertension in the less tight group (40 vs 28%) and had more laboratory features of HELLP

BP Medications in Pregnancy


This is a multi system disorder in pregnancy that is mediated by the placenta, that results in systemic vascular and endothelial dysfunction, resulting in maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality.

Risk factors: first pregnancy, new partner, IVF, family history, age <20 or >35. Maternal risk factors: prior pre-eclampsia, chronic HTN, DM, renal disease, autoimmune disorders, obesity. Fetal risk factors: multiple gestation, hydrops fetalis, molar pregnancy.


  1. Hypertension as above.
  2. Gestational age > 20 weeks
  3. Adverse conditions with end-organ damage or severe complications that warrant delivery and IV MgSO4 (see below)
System Adverse condition Severe Complications
CNS HA/visual symptoms eclampsia, PRES, cortical blindness, GCS <13, stroke, TIA, RIND
Cardiorespiratory Chest pain or dyspnea, SpO2 < 97% Uncontrolled severe HTN, frank hypoxia or respiratory failure, infarction, pulmonary edema and heart failure
Hematologic Leukocytosis, coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia Plt < 50, blood product transfusion
Renal Elevated Cr, hyperuricemia AKI, dialysis
Hepatic N/V, RUQ or epigastric pain, elevated liver enzymes or decreased liver synthetic function liver dysfunction (INR > 2), hepatic hematoma or capsular rupture
Feto-placental AbN FHR, IUGR, oligohydramnios, absent or reversed end-diastolic flow (Dopplers) placental abruption, reverse ductus venosus A wave

Prevention of Pre-eclampsia

Treatment of Pre-eclampsia

1 - Hypertension Management

2 - Eclampsia Prevention

3 - Delivery

Post-Partum Care

  1. BP tends to rise 3-6 days post-partum
  2. Pre-eclampsia puts women at 4x increased risk of chronic HTN, 2x increased risk of heart disease, stroke, VTE, and diabetes. Make sure to counsel the patient about future pregnancy risk, CVD risk, and to quit smoking, lose weight, and support breastfeeding
  3. ACE inhibitors are safe in breast feeding


  1. IMR Slides (2021)
  2. CHIPS trial
  3. Magpie trial