PFTs consist of: 1) Spirometry 2) Lung volumes 3) Diffusion capacity


Stepwise Approach to PFTs

Flow-Volume Loops

Extrathoracic --> inspiratory defect Intrathoracic --> expiratory defect Fixed --> inspiratory and expiratory defect

Cutoff Values

Severity FEV1 (% predicted)
Mild > 70
Moderate 60 – 69
Moderately Severe 50 – 59
Severe 35 – 50
Very Severe < 35
Severity DLCO (% predicted)
Mild > 60 and < LLN
Moderate 40 – 60
Severe < 40
Bronchodilator Response (FEV1) > 200 mL AND 12%
Hyperinflation TLC > 120% predicted or >ULN
Gas Trapping RV > 120% predicted or >ULN
## Diffusion Capacity
Low DLCO: Anemia, recent smoking, parenchymal lung disease, pulmonary hypertension.
Isolated low DLCO: Consider anemia, smoking, early ILD
High DLCO: Obesity, alveolar hemorrhage, polycythemia, asthma


  1. University of Washington Practive PFTs
  2. 2005 ATS "Interpretative strategies for lung function tests"